Cedar Waxwing – Bombycilla cedrorum
Yesterday I thought I saw a kestrel perched in a tree near the school yesterday. So, I brought my camera to work today and boy am I glad I did. I went to the Wawa to get a salad and I notice a lot of bird activity in the trees around the shopping area. I grabbed my camera and had a look and there they were!
I was in my glory and spent about 15 minutes taking shots of these gorgeous birds. It made my day. Not that my student are in any way ill-behaved (because they are kids and doing what kids do) but at the end of the week, my patience is not as robust as it is at the beginning. Today’s sighting made my day. Even the most challenging Friday student (or colleague) will find me chipper and altogether pleasant. What a find!! May be the kestrel will make an appearance today too!