Red-breasted Merganser – Mergus serrator
I was in North Chicago to see my daughter graduate from the Navy training center. I took an hour to check out the local birds. We went to the beach in an industrial complex. Lori and I started walking on the beach and spied a group of birds near a harbor. We thought there was a clear path to the harbor from the
beach so she was going to bring the car around to the harbor. My job was to try to approach the birds and get some great pictures. I wandered and shot pictures completely oblivious to the fact I’s have to swim or/and walk on water to get to the
harbor. By the time I figured it out I was frozen and about two miles from the car. It was a long, cold walk to rescue. Next time, make sure to have a cellphone in my pocket!!!
Apparently, these guys are all around Delaware. I saw 8 on one creek and then about 4 at another creek. I wanted to sneak up on then and get a good picture but I sneak like a pantzer. The only good picture was the one with the two males looking to the left.